Bringing the story of Poland to the world “Dzieje Polski” The History of Poland
by Professor Andrzej Nowak translated into German and English.
“The History of Poland”, or the Polish Annals published by Bialy Kruk, is already regarded by many Poles as a milestone in the histography of their land. The author of this series is Professor Andrzej Nowak who lectures at Central Europe’s second oldest university, the Jagiellonian Krakow. Professor Nowak, an academic of international standing and reputation, well known for his erudition, commenced the great task of recounting over a 1 000 years of Polish history more than 10 years ago. His aim was to integrate all aspects of Poland’s histography into this great endeavour including: economics, culture, the diverse religions of this land, literature and archaeology among others. All the while availing in his work of the latest established historical facts and research methodologies. The scale of this project led the Polish literary critic Krzysztof Masona to comment that “Dzieje Polski” was this most important published work to have been undertaken in Poland since 1989.
Yet Professor Nowak is not only renowned for his work on Polish history, he made his reputation as a leading indeed world renowned specialist on Russian history and political philosophy. His revelatory work in his other recently translated book “Poland and Russia”, written as a direct response to the renewed Russian attack on Ukraine, only serves to underline his credentials in this regard. In this version revised for a western audience he analysed the many troubled centuries of history between the two nations. In doing so Professor Nowak explores the roots of the autocratic mentality, dominate among modern-day Russian elites. Contrasting this with the alternative legacy of Rus and its later incarnations including Ukraine, as well as the Polish state’s adherence to the concept of liberty despite its challenging geopolitical geography.
All of these important works, the existing 5 volumes of “The History of Poland” as well as “Poland and Russia”, have now been translated into English for a world-wide audience. They have also been translated into German for the direct benefit of Poland’s largest Western neighbour and its most important trading partner. Another country with which Poland also shares a troubled past and also a somewhat nebulous historical memory. The aim is to bring an objective and comprehensive view of Polish history, its key events and historical figures as well as the influence of this history on the evolving Kremlin war against Ukraine.
This important initiative was undertaken by the Vincenty Kadłubek Humanitarian Foundation, in collaboration with the original publishing house, Bialy Kruk and the Polish Ministry of Education. Samples of these translated books are now being distributed worldwide, above all to libraries, third level institutions, political institutions, think tanks and selected media figures. The aim of this project is not just to present the historical facts regarding the lands of Poland and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but also to outline Poland’s oft overlooked role in European, history in particular its relations with neighbouring nations. Professor Nowak has recently finished writing Volume VI of the History of Poland to be released thus far only in Polish in November 2023. The title of this 6th volume will be “Fire & Flood” and it will cover the period from 1632 to 1673 a period so crucial in the history of Ukraine and of Polish-Ukrainian relations.
“Dzieje Polski”, together with other historical works thus represents a unique opportunity to present the story of Poland to the wider world. It’s translation and distribution to universities and cultural institutions on a global scale, opens the door to a new era in collaboration and academic exchange with regard to the history of the lands that lay between and often within the Germanic and Russian Empires. The history of these Empires has long dominated the narratives regarding this region and thus the accompanying title of „Poland and Russia” is an ideal complement to this endeavour to bring the history of Poland to the world. Offering key insights into the historical and current geopolitical context and the role ideology plays in the designs of an ever expansionist Kremlin. A power centre which continues to have its supporters and adherents in the world, even post-February 2022. Indeed even in some sectors of Polish political life and society.
For people or organisations interested in purchasing these translated books during a envisaged 2nd print run, please leave your contact details and information detailing which books and in what quantities you would like to acquire. Please also advise if your interest is personal, academic or commercial (resale / local distribution) in nature.